One Drop is Apple's App of the Day!
If you head over to the App Store today, you'll see a totally revamped store (which looks amazing, BTW), as well as One Drop, featured as Apple's App of the day! This stamp of approval from the “digital magazine for apps” is what many people & developers worldwide deem the ultimate seal of approval. And with the millions of apps available for download, we are stoked to receive such all-star recognition.One Drop App Highlights
So what does Apple have to say about their App of the Day pick?-
“One Drop makes [managing your diabetes] a lot easier and presents the data in a format that makes sense at a glance.”
“Your blood sugar (the red circle) is what you need to monitor, but the other colors help you visualize how lifestyle choices might be affecting that important number.”
“Seeing the information contextualized in this way can also help you identify problematic times of the day, as well as highlight your successes.”
“We particularly appreciate the step-by-step recipes for A1C-friendly versions of our favorite dishes. Who knew low-carb tacos could be so delicious?”
Just in time: National Diabetes Awareness Month
This awesome feature comes just in the nick of time - it's National Diabetes Awareness Month! So having an app like One Drop highlighted in the Apple Store is just one more way to get all eyes on diabetes. It's this awareness and advocacy that are helping to accelerate diabetes into the 21st century. And One Drop users are fueling the fire.
In just over two years, over 1/2 million, at time of writing, One Drop app users have contributed over 500 million health data points and counting. We have logged in 8,500,000 times, spent more than 13,000,000 minutes in the app tracking & analyzing our BGs, meds, food, and activity, and contributed to a growing body of health data informing the future of diabetes self-care.
Why? Because we are not waiting!
Get Diabetes Supplies or the Complete Diabetes Package for weight loss here and be sure to download One Drop Premium today.