It’s World Statistics Day! A day set aside to show that good data and statistics are indispensable for informed decision-making. And at One Drop, we ❤️ data. We are driven by our data.
The Diabetes Statistics
There are plenty of diabetes stats out there, thanks to organizations like the CDC and IDF. Stats like:
- More than 1 in 3 people in America has prediabetes.
- Approximately 425 million adults (20-79 years) were living with diabetes around the globe in 2017; by 2045 this will rise to 629 million.
- The proportion of people with type 2 diabetes is increasing in most countries.
- In 2017, the total cost of diagnosed diabetes was $327 billion.
These statistics are good to have so that we know how well our efforts, as communities and societies, are paying off (or not) when it comes to tackling diabetes.
But what about other diabetes statistics? The statistics that mean something to us personally?
True Life Diabetes Statistics
Like, how well we’re doing with our own management on a daily basis? The personalized data we can see on our phones to know how often our blood sugars are in-range? Or, more communal-based stats that give us insight into alternative ways we can manage?
Those kind of diabetes statistics can be truly helpful in learning more about how we’re doing in our own diabetes journey, as well as the actionable steps we can take along the way.
One Drop Family Statistics
You may have noticed a few of our Community Polls in your One Drop app.
Not only do these polls give all of us new ideas for ways to better manage, they also remind us that we’re not alone. There are plenty of others out there going through the same, daily obstacles.
This World Statistics Day, we’re taking a look at a few of our favorite newsfeed polls and responses!
How many carbohydrates do you eat in a day?
According to our newsfeed data, the majority of people in our One Drop community (that includes type 1, type 2, prediabetes, and more) consume about 50-100g of carbs a day. Not too shabby!
But there were other data points to consider:
- Roughly 5% of our crowd regularly consumes over 200g of carbs a day.
- Compare that to the 7% that have a regular carb consumption of just 0-20g daily!
“Doing a Keto diet. Keep carbs as close to 0g as possible!” - Trish H.
“I try my best to stay under 20 a day, but sometimes it doesn't go that way.” - Sherry R.
“I've been low carb (approx 30g/day) for the past 4.5 years and have found that blood sugar management is much simpler and I'm no longer stressed over my current blood sugar level. Low carb just removes so much of the guesswork of diabetes!” - Lisa L.
“I try to stay around 140 to 160, but some days are high on occasion. I don’t eat rice or potatoes, but every now and then I will sneak a fry or nugget from my grandkids when they have them.” - Winston J.
What’s your #1 hack to keep blood sugars in-range?
This one shines a major spotlight on just how important low carb is.
Half of all people who responded said that, above anything else, low carb was absolutely key in keeping their blood sugars in-range.
Not only does it shed light statistically on the importance of low carb to so many, it also gives us a peek inside a day in the life of everyone else, as well as some new ideas and perspectives on ways to incorporate new diabetes management tactics.
“My BG stays in a pretty good range when I walk at least 10,000 steps a day.” - Yvonne K.
“In a 3 month period of going low carb, I went from a 7.4 A1c to 5.7. Eating only 20 - 30 grams a day, I have maintained a steady 5.6 - 6.0 A1c.” - Chris B.
“Being a drummer since age 10, now 66 find that my new electric drum set works wonders.” - Ben R.
“Keeping blood sugar in mind what ever I'm doing, following "all things in moderation, including moderation". And learning to to self titrate my meds.” - Delbert A.
At what age were you diagnosed with diabetes?
According to the CDC’s National Diabetes Statistics Report of 2017, the estimated percentages of diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes among adults aged ≥18 years in 2015 looked like:
- 4% ages 18-44
- 17% ages 45–64
- 25% ages ≥65
We took our own poll. And the results? Similar, but different. Take a look:
The 41-60 age range is the most popular age group for diagnosis, followed by 21-40.
This is us! And while it may not fall exactly in the realms of the CDC’s report, it’s completely and totally representative of our One Drop family! Check out some of the stories below:
“My twin brother and I were both diagnosed type 2 in February. A1c dropped down to 6.1% in May.” - Daniel K.
“Age 7! I don’t remember life without it. This may not be the popular perspective, but I’m thankful for my diabetes. It’s helped me live a better life and stay on track with my overall health. I also keep running into other diabetics that were diagnosed at age 7! Is that age particularly susceptible for diagnosis?” - Emmy G.
“Diagnosed at age 39 after having almost all my pancreas removed because of Leukemia.” - Howard S.
“I was told I was borderline diabetic in my late 40s just before reaching my 50th birthday. This was after years of taking Lipitor. I had never been diabetic. I had ten years of being misdiagnosed because of having kidney issues and autoimmune issues.” - Anj N.
“I was diagnosed at 8 years old. Have it 48 years already.” - Jane W.
“A year ago I was taking two insulins a day. Now, after a year of going to Fit Body Boot camp, I have lost 50lbs and 11% body fat. I am blessed: no more insulin, just controlling diabetes with exercise and running.” - Nathaniel S.
Making Sense of Diabetes Stats
While national (and international) statistics are hugely helpful for both diabetes awareness and insight into how well our efforts are going into halting the rise of diabetes, our own communal statistics are helpful in spreading knowledge and support among each other.
The questions, answers, and experiences we possess as people living with diabetes is a treasure trove of diabetes data that we can all use.
This World Statistics Day, know that yours, mine, and our combined diabetes stats help us to both learn more about diabetes and also serve as a reminder that we are never alone in the journey.