Comfort Food With a Twist
There are few dishes in this world that are reserved for comfort food status.
Many of those dishes, though, are super carb-y - you know the ones I'm talking about ;)
And sometimes, one of those super comforting, super carb-y dishes is just the ticket.
But more often than not, those comfort foods actually end up putting me in a post-meal very uncomfortable situation.
Worth it? Debatable. What is worth it? Low-carb comfort food. Like: egg pizza! 🍳🍕
Low Carb & Homemade Pizza Pie
It's a thing. And it is AWESOME. And you can get creative with it.
Everyone I know loves pizza. I definitely do! But the blood sugar hassle that comes after the fact — the 8-hour sugar spikage, over-corrections resulting in lows — isn't worth it.
This low carb spin on an old-time classic makes everything OK. No spikes! No miscalculations! Because it is low carb pizza!
Comfort, Meet Creative.
So really, at the root of the pizza problem, we have bread. So what happens if we just take that one, minor problematic piece out?
And just replace it with a no-carb substitute?! Bingo. The root of the egg pizza is... the egg! Simply substitute the pizza dough with eggs.
And then make your own pie! It is really, truly that simple. Plus, it cuts down on all that oven time.
The recipe below is a personal fave (all the ingredients I want), but you can top your egg pie with pepperonis, extra cheese, all veggies, etc. Let's go!
❏ 1 tbsp butter
❏ 2 large eggs
❏ 1 jalapeno, sliced
❏ 2 sausage links, sliced
❏ Manchego cheese, sliced
❏ 1 red onion
❏ chopped garlic
❏ 1 cup spinach
❏ 1 avocado
- Heat butter in a pan over medium-low heat.
- When butter is fully melted & pan is heated, crack eggs into pan.
- Top with half the cheese, sausage, onions, jalapeno, garlic, and spinach.
- Cover with lid and cook until egg white begins to set (about 5 minutes).
- Repeat with remaining ingredients. Continue cooking on low until whites are completely set.
- Top with chunks of avocado, season with salt and pepper, slice, and serve.
Yield: 1 serving
Protein per serving: 22g
Carbs per serving: 2g
Like I said, the above ingredients are a personal preference of mine. But feel free to add red sauce, parmesan, and all the other fixings you enjoy on your breaded pizza to make this egg pie your new favorite 'za dish!