Support  >  One Drop Premium

How do I cancel my One Drop Premium?

We’re sad to see you go! Please let us know if there is anything we can do to improve your One Drop experience. 

If you purchased One Drop Premium through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, you can cancel your subscription by following the instructions below.

If you purchased One Drop Premium on the One Drop website, please call 1-800-437-1474 or email Support hours are 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET Monday through Friday.

Please note that plans including a free glucose meter are billed monthly with a minimum three-month commitment.

Apple App Store:

  1. Select the Settings app in your phone. 
  2. Choose your name.
  3. Find and select Subscriptions. (This may be called iTunes & App Store. If so, select Apple ID. Then, choose View Apple ID. Sign in, scroll down, and select Subscriptions.)
  4. Select One Drop Subscription.
  5. Choose Cancel Subscription.

Google Play Store:

  1. Find and select the Google Play Store. 
  2. Choose Menu and then Subscriptions.
  3. Select Cancel Subscription.
  4. Follow the instructions to finalize cancellation. 

Updated: May 13, 2021