Life Without Limits is a health podcast for anyone who wants to step outside of their comfort zone and work toward better overall health. We talk with experts across all areas of health to give you the tools, inspiration, and support you need to challenge your limits.
In each 30-minute episode, Life Without Limits host, Kim Constantinesco, interviews experts on one of the core areas of health: eating, physical activity, sleep, smoking, alcohol/drug use, and stress management. Our goal is to give you the evidence-based knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your health.
We recognize that health is a journey, a winding road with ups and downs along the way. The Life Without Limits health podcast can help you weather the bumps and keep going when the going gets tough. Take a deep dive into plant-based eating. Find out how healing from trauma can actually be fun. Get the facts on getting a good night’s sleep. Whatever you’re interested in, the episodes below will help you live a life without limits.