Manny's Secret to Persevering in the Face of Diabetes Setbacks

Manny Cota - 12 Days of Diabadass

Manny joined One Drop in February 2017 and has been going strong ever since. This is his story.

Here's your need-to-know background: Born and raised in California and Arizona, Manny loves baseball. The L.A. Dodgers is his team. For life.

All other sports and teams are merely secondary. His favorite, in-a-perfect world delicacy? Pastries! (Can't say we disagree.) And during his weekly cheat-meal, you'll more often than not find him eating a couple of slices of pizza.


So, what's Manny's deal with diabetes?

Manny's been doing the type 2 diabetes dance since 2013(ish). He was terrified upon diagnosis. But, after attending a few classes over a seven-week period, Manny felt more informed and encouraged about the future of his diabetes management. For a while, he was crushing the glucose-checking game.

But, admittedly, he stepped away from it after a while. It wasn't until Manny started physically feeling the aches and pains from neglecting his diabetes that he decided to make drastic changes.

Since changing up his dietary strategy, picking up a gym habit, and joining One Drop, Manny's been able to get his A1C back on track. In fact, he went all the way from a 10.8 to a 6.1! In his own words:

"I've been a member since March 5, 2017. I feel grateful to be part of a community where you have support 24/7. Plus it's easy to use on tracking your meals and activities. I did make the right choice to join the One Drop community. With their application and with the support from my personal diabetes specialist I have been able to bring my A1C to a 6.1."

 What's his secret?

Beyond working with his One Drop clinical health coach, Manny attributes his diabadass success to the gym. Without fail, Manny goes to the gym every morning at 4am, for two hours worth of exercise. Not only that, but Manny also makes time for the important things: his family and his DJ side-job.

This guy is constantly on-the-go, but that doesn't stop him from doing what he loves, being with who he loves, and taking time every day to manage his diabetes. Manny Cota is truly a diabadass. For all the Manny inspo, check out his video below! 

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Mary Elizabeth
Dec 31, 2017

Additional Reading

Ozempic Side Effects - GLP-1 Side Effects - Wegovy Side Effects - Weight Loss Drugs - One Drop

16 Essential Tips for Preventing Ozempic Side Effects

Learn how to prevent and manage gastrointestinal side effects of GLP-1 medications by following expert-endorsed guidelines.

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Episodic Future Thinking - How to Lose Weight - Visualization for Weight Loss - Wegovy - GLP-1 Agonist - One Drop - Weight Loss Mindset

The Mindset Shift You Need for Successful Weight Loss

Losing weight can be a daunting task. But a powerful tool called episodic future thinking can help you get there.

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