5 Recipes Your Heart Will Love ❤️

5 Recipes Your Heart Will Love ❤️ - One Drop

Show yourself some love this February. Not only is it the month of love, it's also Heart Health Month! Here are 5 recipes to make to show your heart some love. 

Grilled Salmon With Spinach and Yogurt Dill Sauce

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Why It's Heart-Healthy

Salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce heart disease risk factors. Spinach contains nitrite, which has been shown to help promote healthy blood pressure levels and decrease heart disease risk.



Spaghetti Squash Bowl

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Why It's Heart-Healthy

Spaghetti squash is much lower in calories than regular pasta, is low carb, and has natural fiber, which is linked to heart health. Spaghetti squash also increases your intake of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids, both of which assist in regulating blood pressure and are known to have anti-inflammatory effects which protect against heart disease.


Dark Chocolate Avocado Brownies

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Why It's Heart-Healthy

Avocados are a great source for heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and potassium. These nutrients are linked to reduced cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and risk for metabolic syndrome. Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants like flavonoids, which can boost heart health.


Lemon Chicken & Kale

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Why It's Heart-Healthy

Chicken is carb-free, high in protein, and an excellent source of energy. Kale is a good source of magnesium, potassium, and vitamin K1, all of which work to prevent heart disease.


Vegetable Kabob

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Why It's Heart-Healthy

All these vegetables are wonderful for your heart! But let's focus on just one. Red Bell Peppers are a particularly good choice for heart health. They are full of lycopene (not found in green peppers), as well as cholesterol-lowering soluble fiber and antioxidant vitamins A and C, which are great for heart health!



Be good to your heart and your appetite! 

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Mary Elizabeth Adams
Feb 11, 2020

Additional Reading

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16 Essential Tips for Preventing Ozempic Side Effects

Learn how to prevent and manage gastrointestinal side effects of GLP-1 medications by following expert-endorsed guidelines.

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The Mindset Shift You Need for Successful Weight Loss

Losing weight can be a daunting task. But a powerful tool called episodic future thinking can help you get there.

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