Diabetes tech is exploding! And, more isĀ coming... Soon, we'll have:
The diabetes device market is soaring
Zion market research released
a report forecasting the diabetes device market. In 2015, it was valued at 18.50 billion. By 2021, it will be 26 billion. Woah!
More people with diabetes = greater digital demand
An estimated
1 in 10 adults around the world have diabetes. If current trends continue,
1 in 3 will have diabetes by 2050. More people with diabetes means a greaterĀ demand for better tools.
The tools we use today are different than what people used before. Gone are the days of putting drops of urine, water, and a Clinitest tabletĀ in a test tube and checking the solution's color against a chart,Ā or using color changing tablets to measureĀ ketones and urine dipsticks.
Now, we have so many types of meters, pens, pumps, continuous glucose monitors (CGM), software, and apps.Ā It's hard to keep track of it all.
Diabetes innovations are helping people
Tech innovations are making diabetes simpler to manage. The upside?
The diabetes tech movement is upon us. It's an exciting and empowering time!
We're healthier and happier because of it. And, it will only get better:)